While participation in sports can lead to a much healthier lifestyle than abstaining, vigorous activity can lead to injuries. Accidents and repetitive motion injuries happen, but being mindful of your actions and carefully treating sports injuries as soon as they occur can help you maintain your participation in healthy sports.
Preventing Sports Injuries
The best way to treat any injury is to prevent it from happening in the first place. While not all injuries can be prevented, especially during vigorous game play like football, some injuries are a result of not preparing for exercise. It’s important to work up to the level of activity and give your body time to adjust to the exercise. Fitness is not something that is acquired overnight.
Equipment and Coaching
Be sure to use the proper equipment for whatever sport you’re playing. Good, supportive shoes are a must if you’re running or jumping. Not only is the proper equipment necessary; good technique can also help prevent injuries. Be sure to seek the advice of an experienced teammate or coach, especially if you’re attempting something new.
Don’t Overdo It
Many injuries occur when a child or adult tries to participate too enthusiastically before their body is prepared. Be aware of your limitations and how hard you’re pushing your body to perform. Take the time to warm up and stretch before any vigorous exercise, and cool down after. Listen to your body and respect the warning signs. Fatigue, aches, and soreness are signs that it’s time to take a break.
Be Alert to Symptoms
While some soreness and stiffness are to be expected after vigorous activity, sharp aches or pains, swelling, discoloration, and reduced mobility are not normal. Strains, sprains, dislocations, bruises, and other injuries may seem minor at the time but should be checked by a physician to rule out potential complications. Fractures, concussions, and dislocations should be immediately treated by a doctor. For most other minor injuries, a “RICE” approach will be recommended- Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation. Be sure to follow your doctor’s instructions, so that you’re able to heal quickly and get back out on the field.