If you’ve been injured at work or while performing an activity related to your job, you may be able to claim workers compensation to help pay for your expenses. The type of injury, where and how it occurred, and the effect it has on your ability to continue doing your job will all be factors in whether you’re entitled to compensation. It’s important to document your injury and cooperate with the insurance company and your lawyer if you suspect you may have a workman’s compensation claim.
Seek Medical Attention
The first step to take if you’ve been injured on the job is to seek out medical attention right away. Even if an injury seems minor, there are several reasons for seeking out medical attention right away. First, even a seemingly-minor injury may be more severe than it seems at first. By seeking medical attention, your doctor can assess your injury and begin treatment right away, increasing your chances of a full recovery. Secondly, if you’ve been injured on the job, you’ll need to document the injury from the beginning, to support your workman’s compensation case.
Document Everything for Workers Compensation
If you’ve been injured on the job, you’ll need to report the injury to your supervisor right away. They may ask you to fill out paperwork. Get copies of any papers from your supervisor for your own records. If you suspect that you may file a workman’s compensation case, your lawyer will want a record of what happened. You should also write down the names of witnesses and get copies of their statements if any for your records. When you come to your medical appointment, be sure to let your doctor know your injury was work-related, so that proper records and documentation can be maintained throughout your care and recovery.